Wiki - phpWiki 1.2.9 packaged as a XOOPS 2.0.x Module

phpWiki is a project at To see a live example of phpWiki, visit

Currently (5/6/05) , version is 1.2.9, is the stable version. phpWiki and this module are licensed under the GNU license. For documentation, mailing lists, etc., visit

To install the Wiki module into your XOOPS website, download the phpwiki.tar.gz file and copy it into your XOOPS modules directory. Then unzip it, and install the module like any other XOOPS module. It will create database tables named xoops_wiki_* for storing pages, etc. (The xoops prefix may be different, depending on your XOOPS configuration.)

This XOOPS version of phpWiki supports user and admin access to the Wiki, e.g., only admins can lock and unlock pages. Since the original phpWiki code was only minimally modified to make this module, this module is not templated with Smarty templates, nor is the multi-language interface done according to XOOPS conventions.

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