Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that is not answered below, please email us at If it would be of general interest, we'll add your question and its answer to this list.

Q:  How and when did Colleen and Shelby meet?

A: They met at Lexington Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC, where Shelby was leading the LPC Singles Group. They met in January, 2001, when Colleen started attending the group and participaitng in its activities. At the time, Shelby was a Master's of Divinity student at Columbia International University (CIU), and Colleen was a Wheaton College student, taking a semester at CIU.

 Q:  When and where did they get engaged?

A:  In Finlay Park in Columbia, SC, on the evening of June 4, 2001.

Q:  Where are they planning to live after the wedding?

A:  They will move to the Chicago area.  While Colleen finishes her batchelor's degree at Wheaton College (she'll finish in May 2002), Shelby will continue to work on his master's degree by also taking courses at Wheaton College.  Then they will move back to Columbia where Shelby will finish his M.Div. in Pastoral Counseling at Columbia International University, and Colleen may work on a Master’s degree from CIU.

Q: Where were Shelby and Colleen brought up and where did they go to school?

A: Shelby is from Chattenooga, TN. He graduated from Indiana University in 1996 with a degree in Trumpet. He currently is seeking a Masters of Divinity degree in Pastoral Counseling from Columbia International University.

Colleen was born in Princeton, NJ and lived in the Princeton area until moving to Columbia, SC in 1992. After graduating from Ben Lippen High School in 1998, she attended Wheaton College (near Chicago, IL) and is now majoring in Ancient Languages.

Fred & Dianne: 803-796-8935


last updated: August 3, 2001